Population factors in development strategy

Population advantage in the US-China competition The US-China strategic competition has intensified, and China has recognized the severity of the population problem, including population aging, but more importantly, the population quality story. Recently, some American scholars have argued that it…
How should we deal with China?

For the leaders of Southeast Asia’s two biggest nations, Indonesia and the Philippines – two fledgling democracies in the grip of populism, each is unhappy in its own way. On the surface, Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte and his Indonesian counterpart…

1. Trong hội nghị tổng kết hoạt động nhiệm kỳ 5 năm vừa qua của Hội đồng Lý luận Trung ương (HĐLLTƯ) đảng CSVN, Nguyễn Phú Trọng tiếp tục mê sảng và nói càn :”Đến 2045, Việt Nam sẽ có…